


  • Receive all your course materials before your first day of class
  • 节省30-50%的课程材料,而在PBA
  • Enjoy exclusive in-store discounts as a Bookstore VIPs member
  • 享受高度个性化的礼宾服务
  • See tab under 项目的参与 with information on how to opt-out










Students that are receiving their course materials through the 旗鱼聪明 program will receive VIP access to exclusive offers at the PBA Bookstore via email.


具有VIP访问权限, 学生们将能够在重要物品上使用网上和店内折扣来帮助他们成功. This includes exclusive offers such as 20% off on school supplies, 电子产品(不包括笔记本电脑)9折优惠, 在PBA书店买计算器可以打九折.

这些优惠在学期结束前有效. We encourage all students enrolled in our 旗鱼聪明 program to enjoy these savings by making the most of all 3 VIP access benefits!



旗鱼智能计划是一项全校范围内的租赁计划,有助于降低教科书的成本. This program ensures students conveniently receive all of their required course materials before the first day of class.

旗鱼聪明为所有学生在第一天上课前提供公平的课程材料, 这将最终提高他们的学业成绩. 此外,通过参加旗鱼聪明,学生每学期将节省时间和金钱.

旗鱼聪明的统一费率是每信用小时24美元. 例如,一学期注册的15个小时的学分将总计360美元. 费用通过你的PBA学生账户支付,不需要学生直接自付费用.

如有任何关于旗鱼聪明的问题,请联系PBA书店, 例如您的订单状态, 协助评估成本, 或一般节目信息. 可以通过电子邮件联系他们 Bookstore@roomarea1.net 或致电(561)803-2180寻求进一步帮助.


当您注册课程时,您将自动注册到旗鱼聪明. The $24 flat rate per credit will be posted to your PBA student account.

Once you receive the order verification email from coursematerials@email.bncollege.Com,请确保正确的术语(e.g., 加速, PBA铅, 或坠落, 春天, 在验证您的旗鱼聪明订单时,从可用选项列表中选择夏季学期. 如果你登录巴恩斯有问题 & 查看您的旗鱼聪明入学信息, 请从您的标准PBA电子邮件地址(例如:Sailfish_Jack@pba)更改登录凭据.edu) to your username email address (example: Jacksai@roomarea1.net).

Please make sure to check your junk email for any 旗鱼聪明 notifications sent by the PBA Bookstore or 巴恩斯 & 高贵的大学 if you have yet to receive them in your inbox. If you have enabled an inbox sorting feature such as Focused Inbox, please review your emails closely so that you are promptly aware of when your order is ready to be picked up at the Bookstore.


关闭Microsoft Outlook的“聚焦收件箱”

If you find that 旗鱼聪明 is not the best option for you, 您可以在与您的任期相关的选择退出期间选择退出该计划. Please note that all students are automatically enrolled in 旗鱼聪明 when they have registered for courses in each term. 如果你不想参加, 您必须在选择退出期结束之前选择退出,否则您将被收取该学期的课程费用. 请复习问题“如果我选择不参加,那么我如何选择退出??以获取更多信息.

您将收到电子邮件和电话,提醒您确认您的订单. 如果您不验证您的订单, you will not receive the course materials included in 旗鱼聪明. 然而, 如果您不选择退出,不验证您的订单, 你仍然会被收取旗鱼聪明的费用.

是的. 如果您验证了您的订单并且没有选择退出该计划,您将被收取费用. 如果您没有验证您的订单,但没有选择退出该计划,您仍将被收取费用.

您可以立即将退课的课程资料归还给PBA书店, 但不能迟于巴恩斯列出的日期 & 高贵的大学 when they reach out asking you to return the books. 如果你没有在截止日期前归还材料, 这些材料的费用将从你的PBA学生账户中扣除.

如果你在收到课程材料之前退了一门课并注册了另一门课, 书店将“交换”所需的课程材料/访问代码,以便您获得所需的内容. 在您的时间表中添加课程后,您将收到巴恩斯的新验证电子邮件 & 高贵的大学. 一旦您验证了您的首选完成方法,您就可以获得新添加课程的课程材料. 你必须在截止日期前将被放弃的课程资料归还给书店.

你可以选择退出旗鱼聪明 点击这里. 选择项(e).g., 加速, PBA铅, 或下降, 春天, Summer Semester) from the dropdown menu available on your screen and confirm your selection to opt out of the term. If you are opting out of more than one term within the same op-out period, repeat the same process for each term that you are opting out of. 请注意,该链接在每个学期的选择退出期之外不起作用,仅对学生有效.

你可以选择退出旗鱼聪明 for 加速, PBA铅, 2024年秋季学期周一开始, 7月22日. The opt out period for all terms with a course add/drop date of Friday, 8月2日, 星期一结束, 8月5日. 2024年秋季学期的退出期将于8月27日星期二结束. 请记住,当您注册课程时,您将自动注册到旗鱼聪明, 如果你选择退出每个学期,你必须做出选择.

如果您的任期已经过了退出期限, 无论您是否领取课程材料,您都将被收取旗鱼聪明项目的注册费. Please note that your decision to opt out of participation in the program applies to all of the courses that you have registered for in their respective term.

你会收到巴恩斯发来的确认邮件 & 诺布尔学院通知您退出旗鱼聪明的选择已成功处理. 此电子邮件确认将自动生成并发送到您的PBA电子邮件地址. 如果您没有收到选择退出确认电子邮件,或者如果您只注册了子学期课程, 你必须立即发邮件给书店 Bookstore@roomarea1.net so that your selection to opt out of 旗鱼聪明 may be processed. The 旗鱼聪明 charge will be removed and credited to your student account once the opt out period has elapsed.

No, 一旦您做出退出选择,您将保留该学期的退出选择, 不管你是否增加了额外的课程. If you would like to opt back in because you have added courses, 您可以按照您在选择退出后收到的选择退出确认电子邮件中的链接进行操作. 按照与选择退出相同的步骤操作.

是的, you will have until the deadline provided by 巴恩斯 & 诺布尔学院归还你的课程资料. 如果你不归还材料, the charges for 旗鱼聪明 will remain on your student account.

Your order cannot be processed until your course materials are verified. 您将收到一封来自coursematerials@email的电子邮件.bncollege.核实每学期的课程资料. 如果您已经确认您的订单,请通过电子邮件与PBA书店联系 Bookstore@roomarea1.net 或致电(561)803-2180寻求进一步帮助.

Send a copy of the syllabus for your courses to the PBA Bookstore at Bookstore@roomarea1.net. Make sure to include the course name and section for which you are missing materials along with your contact information.

你可以选择退出旗鱼聪明 for 加速, PBA铅, 2024年秋季学期周一开始, 7月22日. The opt-out period for all terms with a course add/drop date of Friday, 8月2日, 星期一结束, 8月5日. 2024年秋季学期的选择退出期将于8月27日星期二结束. Please refer to email notifications sent by the PBA Bookstore and 巴恩斯 & 获取更多信息.

请记住,当您注册课程时,您将自动注册到旗鱼聪明, 如果你选择退出每个学期,你必须做出选择.

No. The 旗鱼聪明 program is designed to be an all-in or all-out solution by term for the lowest flat rate possible. Participation is by term for all courses, not per individual course. 但是,您可以选择参与某些条款并选择不参加其他条款. 例如, 如果你想在秋季学期继续选择,然后在春季学期选择退出, you can remain opted in when you register for the summer semester.

请记住,当您注册课程时,您将自动注册到旗鱼聪明, 如果你选择退出每个学期,你必须做出选择.

对于您选择退出的任何条款, 您可以按照“如果我选择不参加”中的说明进行操作, 那我怎么退出呢?的问题.

如果你选择退出旗鱼聪明这个学期, you are responsible for obtaining your course materials independently, 通过PBA书店或其他供应商. 如果您决定退出后,您想要参加旗鱼聪明, 您可以按照您选择退出的相同步骤选择重新加入该计划.

不,你可以选择退出或重新加入Sailfish智能计划的次数没有限制. 然而, you will be unable to take any further action beyond the deadline for the opt-out period associated with your term.

旗鱼聪明 charges will be added to and removed from your PBA student account in the same way tuition is when you add and drop a class. 你所参加的每门课程每学时将收取24美元. 就像你在加/退截止日期之前放弃的任何课程都会被记入学费, you will be credited the 旗鱼聪明 charge for such dropped courses. Students must return any course materials received for the dropped classes prior to or immediately upon dropping the classes but no later than the deadline outlined by the PBA Bookstore and 巴恩斯 & 高贵的大学. Students who do not return the course materials for dropped classes will be charged the cost of those course materials on their student accounts.

所有课程资料均按导师要求的格式提供. If you would like a format other than that required by the instructor, 你可以直接从书店以正常价格购买另一种格式. An alternative format is not part of the 旗鱼聪明 rental program.

我们鼓励您利用页面顶部的Sailfish智能网站工具并考虑您的选择. 大多数PBA学生每学期都会参加旗鱼聪明, we are able to secure better pricing for students in most circumstances. We are committed to providing affordable course materials and ensuring equitable access to course materials for our students.

也, 记得在分析中考虑旗鱼聪明的其他程序好处, such as guaranteed delivery of required course materials before the first day of class from a single vendor as well as VIP access to exclusive offers. 最终,每个学生都应该决定每个学期的最佳选择是什么. 该计划旨在为大多数学生提供最实惠和公平的入学选择.

No. 尽管您在注册每个学期的课程时自动注册了旗鱼聪明, 参与是可选的. 如果你想退出这个项目, be sure to check the question “If I choose not to participate, 那我怎么退出呢?” in the 常见问题解答 and follow the directions that are included. 也, we encourage you to read any other questions in this page for more information about your enrollment after reviewing your course materials on the 旗鱼聪明 portal.

这取决于你的导师的喜好. 教师选择学生应该使用的课程材料所需的格式. 如果教师采用电子书,那么旗鱼聪明就会包含电子书. 如果教师选择了硬拷贝,那么这将包括在旗鱼聪明中.

The following items are excluded from 旗鱼聪明: school supplies, 包, 制服, 美术用品, 计算器, 非必修课程材料, 基于订阅的课程材料, 以及PBA书店无法采购的项目. Bookstore无法采购的项目的一个示例是Netflix订阅.

Additionally, your personalized verification email from 巴恩斯 & 高贵的大学 will outline any exclusions from 旗鱼聪明.

每学分24美元的固定费率是在考虑了所有课程后确定的, 对课程材料要求较少的学校, 以及那些有很多课程材料要求的.

PBA向巴恩斯发送了最新消息 & 每日贵族学院. 只要你的日程安排被巴恩斯处理了 & 高贵的大学, you will receive an email notification that there was a change in your course / materials and you will be able to reserve your new materials.

巴恩斯 & 高贵的大学 works with PBA faculty to obtain their course material information in the term prior to the current 旗鱼聪明 program semester.

如课程资料有更新,请直接联络PBA书店,网址为 Bookstore@roomarea1.net 或致电(561)803-2180寻求进一步帮助. 他们会联系你的教授并确认更改,同时用新材料更新旗鱼聪明. 更新完成后, 学生将通过电子邮件收到预订新材料的通知.

No. When you access the 旗鱼聪明 portal to reserve your materials, 您只能预订添加到课程中的新材料或任何新/添加课程的材料.


The 旗鱼聪明 charge will be included on your PBA student account along with other charges such as tuition and fees. This allows you to use financial aid, outside scholarships, etc. 来支付你的课程材料.

You will not be charged a late fee if you do not pay the 旗鱼聪明 charge to PBA by the due date for payment of tuition and fees. 但是,如果余额未全额支付,则可能会申请PBA学生帐户. 余额将无限期地留在您的账户上.

你可以给PBA书店发邮件 Bookstore@roomarea1.net. 书店将努力解决问题,并就解决方案与您沟通.


有许多方法可以访问包含在旗鱼聪明中的数字材料. You will know the delivery method for each of the included materials when you verify your course materials and select your fulfillment method through the 旗鱼聪明 website.

Some digital materials will be accessible with a physical access code that you will receive with your other materials as part of 旗鱼聪明. 按照密码卡上的指示操作.

Other digital materials will be available directly in your Canvas course.

您对数字材料的访问将在退出截止日期前被撤销. If you need to gain access to the digital materials again after the opt-out deadline and after the access was revoked, 你可以按正常零售价从书店购买数字资料. Once you have purchased the materials you can regain access with the physical or digital access code provided with your purchase. 当您重新获得访问权限时,在撤销访问权限之前完成的任何工作仍然存在.

如果您的数字材料在Canvas中不可用或适当的链接不到位, please notify your instructor and contact the PBA Bookstore at Bookstore@roomarea1.net 马上解决这个问题.


如果你是一个经济援助接受者,你有资格获得足够的援助来支付你的学费, 收费和智能旗鱼收费, 该资助将自动应用到你的PBA学生账户上的旗鱼聪明费用中, and any remaining funds will be issued to you as a refund. The financial aid is automatically applied to the 旗鱼聪明 program. 你不需要申请或选择提前进入书,让它支付Sailfish智能收费. If you are not eligible for enough aid to cover 旗鱼聪明 then you will be responsible for paying PBA for the remaining balance on your student account after the financial aid has been applied.

是的, 经济援助将首先用于支付学费, then fees and then charges on your PBA student account. 因此, if enough aid is available to cover it all or cover most of it, then it will be applied to all up to the maximum amount of aid. 如果你的经济资助不足以支付旗鱼聪明的全部费用, 那么你需要将差额支付给PBA.

No, institutional scholarships or grants such as academic, 运动, 人才, 和PBA铅奖学金不能用于支付旗鱼聪明的费用. 可以使用资助奖学金或外部奖学金,其条款允许他们支付课程材料.


是的, these are your textbooks for the term to be used as you normally would, 但你必须在学期结束时归还可重复使用的材料.

您负责通过旗鱼聪明租赁的课程材料, 我们希望这些材料可以被温和地使用,以便将来被其他人使用. 但我们知道事情会发生! Contact the PBA Bookstore to work it out on a case-by-case basis if your course materials are lost or damaged during the term.


是的! 如果您希望在学期结束后保留课程材料或保留对数字内容的访问权, 你可以购买. 详情请与PBA书店联系. 购买印刷和数字课程材料的费用将直接支付给书店.

租赁买断价格是基于该独特材料的市场价值的折扣价. The PBA Bookstore can offer the exact price for each textbook or digital material a student would like to purchase.

直接与PBA书店协调课程材料的采购. Charges for the purchase of a textbook or digital version rented through 旗鱼聪明 are not transferred to your PBA student account.


If you need course materials in accessible formats, you should visit PBA’s 可访问性资源 网页. 在那里你可以找到有关服务的信息, including the procedure to request accessible format textbooks.

我们致力于提供可获取的材料, and the PBA Bookstore will be able to help with any special requests. 此外,学生可以访问 可访问性资源 网页. There you will find information on accessibility services, including the procedure to request accessible format textbooks.


PBA书店和巴恩斯 & 高贵的大学 are committed to protecting all personal information and take the utmost precautions to secure and store data.

The data provided to the PBA Bookstore is only used to help us deliver all your course materials based upon your selected courses.

No. We are committed to the safeguarding of all personal information.

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